{# End Entry Header #}
{# Check if page is password protected #}
{% if not function( 'post_password_required', post.ID ) %}
{# Begin Entry Content #}
<section class="entry-content">
{# Begin Featured Image #}
{% if gantry.config.get('content.' ~ scope ~ '.featured-image.enabled', '1') and post.thumbnail.src %}
{% set position = (gantry.config.get('content.' ~ scope ~ '.featured-image.position', 'none') == 'none') ? '' : 'float-' ~ gantry.config.get('content.' ~ scope ~ '.featured-image.position', 'none') %}
<a href="{{ post.link }}" class="post-thumbnail" aria-hidden="true">
<img src="{{ post.thumbnail.src|resize(gantry.config.get('content.' ~ scope ~ '.featured-image.width', '1200'), gantry.config.get('content.' ~ scope ~ '.featured-image.height', '350')) }}" class="featured-image tease-featured-image {{ position }}" alt="{{ post.title }}" />
{% endif %}
{# End Featured Image #}
{# Begin Page Content #}
{{ post.content|raw }}
{{ function('wp_link_pages', {'before': '<div class="page-links" itemprop="pagination">', 'after': '</div>', 'link_before': '<span class="page-number page-numbers">', 'link_after': '</span>', 'echo': 0}) }}
{# End Page Content #}
{# Begin Edit Link #}
{{ function('edit_post_link', __('Edit', 'g5_hydrogen'), '<span class="edit-link">', '</span>') }}
{# End Edit Link #}
{# End Entry Content #}
{% else %}
{# Begin Password Protected Form #}
<div class="password-form">
{# Include the password form #}
{% include 'partials/password-form.html.twig' %}
$content = $this->content_handle_no_teaser_block( $content );
$content = apply_filters('the_content', ($content));
if ( $len == -1 && $page == 0 ) {
$this->___content = $content;
return $content;
* Handles for an circumstance with the Block editor where a "more" block has an option to
* "Hide the excerpt on the full content page" which hides everything prior to the inserted
* "more" block
* @ticket #2218
* @param string $content
* @return string
protected function content_handle_no_teaser_block( $content ) {
if ( (strpos($content, 'noTeaser:true') !== false || strpos($content, '"noTeaser":true') !== false) && strpos($content, '<!-- /wp:more -->') !== false) {
$arr = explode('<!-- /wp:more -->', $content);
return trim($arr[1]);
return $content;
* @return string
public function paged_content() {
global $page;
return $this->content($page, -1);
* Get the date to use in your template!
* @api
* @example
* ```twig
* Published on {{ post.date }} // Uses WP's formatting set in Admin
$content = $this->content_handle_no_teaser_block( $content );
$content = apply_filters('the_content', ($content));
if ( $len == -1 && $page == 0 ) {
$this->___content = $content;
return $content;
* Handles for an circumstance with the Block editor where a "more" block has an option to
* "Hide the excerpt on the full content page" which hides everything prior to the inserted
* "more" block
* @ticket #2218
* @param string $content
* @return string
protected function content_handle_no_teaser_block( $content ) {
if ( (strpos($content, 'noTeaser:true') !== false || strpos($content, '"noTeaser":true') !== false) && strpos($content, '<!-- /wp:more -->') !== false) {
$arr = explode('<!-- /wp:more -->', $content);
return trim($arr[1]);
return $content;
* @return string
public function paged_content() {
global $page;
return $this->content($page, -1);
* Get the date to use in your template!
* @api
* @example
* ```twig
* Published on {{ post.date }} // Uses WP's formatting set in Admin
return $rd;
if ( $form = $this->maybe_show_password_form() ) {
return $form;
if ( $len == -1 && $page == 0 && $this->___content ) {
return $this->___content;
$content = $this->post_content;
if ( $len > 0 ) {
$content = wp_trim_words($content, $len);
if ( $page ) {
$contents = explode('<!--nextpage-->', $content);
if ( count($contents) > $page ) {
$content = $contents[$page];
$content = $this->content_handle_no_teaser_block( $content );
$content = apply_filters('the_content', ($content));
if ( $len == -1 && $page == 0 ) {
$this->___content = $content;
return $content;
* Handles for an circumstance with the Block editor where a "more" block has an option to
* "Hide the excerpt on the full content page" which hides everything prior to the inserted
* "more" block
* @ticket #2218
* @param string $content
* @return string
protected function content_handle_no_teaser_block( $content ) {
if ( (strpos($content, 'noTeaser:true') !== false || strpos($content, '"noTeaser":true') !== false) && strpos($content, '<!-- /wp:more -->') !== false) {
$arr = explode('<!-- /wp:more -->', $content);
return trim($arr[1]);
if ($ignoreStrictCheck || !$this->env->isStrictVariables()) {
throw new RuntimeError(sprintf('Neither the property "%1$s" nor one of the methods "%1$s()", "get%1$s()"/"is%1$s()" or "__call()" exist and have public access in class "%2$s".', $item, $class), -1, $this->getSourceContext());
if ($isDefinedTest) {
return true;
if ($this->env->hasExtension('\Twig\Extension\SandboxExtension')) {
$this->env->getExtension('\Twig\Extension\SandboxExtension')->checkMethodAllowed($object, $method);
// Some objects throw exceptions when they have __call, and the method we try
// to call is not supported. If ignoreStrictCheck is true, we should return null.
try {
if (!$arguments) {
$ret = $object->$method();
} else {
$ret = \call_user_func_array([$object, $method], $arguments);
} catch (\BadMethodCallException $e) {
if ($call && ($ignoreStrictCheck || !$this->env->isStrictVariables())) {
throw $e;
// @deprecated in 1.28
if ($object instanceof \Twig_TemplateInterface) {
$self = $object->getTemplateName() === $this->getTemplateName();
$message = sprintf('Calling "%s" on template "%s" from template "%s" is deprecated since version 1.28 and won\'t be supported anymore in 2.0.', $item, $object->getTemplateName(), $this->getTemplateName());
if ('renderBlock' === $method || 'displayBlock' === $method) {
$message .= sprintf(' Use block("%s"%s) instead).', $arguments[0], $self ? '' : ', template');
} elseif ('hasBlock' === $method) {
$message .= sprintf(' Use "block("%s"%s) is defined" instead).', $arguments[0], $self ? '' : ', template');
} elseif ('render' === $method || 'display' === $method) {
$message .= sprintf(' Use include("%s") instead).', $object->getTemplateName());
echo "\" class=\"post-thumbnail\" aria-hidden=\"true\">
<img src=\"";
// line 39
echo Timber\ImageHelper::resize($this->getAttribute($this->getAttribute(($context["post"] ?? null), "thumbnail", []), "src", []), $this->getAttribute($this->getAttribute(($context["gantry"] ?? null), "config", []), "get", [0 => (("content." . ($context["scope"] ?? null)) . ".featured-image.width"), 1 => "1200"], "method"), $this->getAttribute($this->getAttribute(($context["gantry"] ?? null), "config", []), "get", [0 => (("content." . ($context["scope"] ?? null)) . ".featured-image.height"), 1 => "350"], "method"));
echo "\" class=\"featured-image tease-featured-image ";
echo ($context["position"] ?? null);
echo "\" alt=\"";
echo $this->getAttribute(($context["post"] ?? null), "title", []);
echo "\" />
// line 42
echo " ";
// line 43
echo "
// line 45
echo " ";
echo $this->getAttribute(($context["post"] ?? null), "content", []);
echo "
// line 47
echo call_user_func_array($this->env->getFunction('function')->getCallable(), ["wp_link_pages", ["before" => "<div class=\"page-links\" itemprop=\"pagination\">", "after" => "</div>", "link_before" => "<span class=\"page-number page-numbers\">", "link_after" => "</span>", "echo" => 0]]);
echo "
// line 49
echo "
// line 51
echo " ";
echo call_user_func_array($this->env->getFunction('function')->getCallable(), ["edit_post_link", __("Edit", "g5_hydrogen"), "<span class=\"edit-link\">", "</span>"]);
echo "
// line 53
echo "
// line 56
if ($useBlocks && isset($blocks[$name])) {
$template = $blocks[$name][0];
$block = $blocks[$name][1];
} elseif (isset($this->blocks[$name])) {
$template = $this->blocks[$name][0];
$block = $this->blocks[$name][1];
} else {
$template = null;
$block = null;
// avoid RCEs when sandbox is enabled
if (null !== $template && !$template instanceof self) {
throw new \LogicException('A block must be a method on a \Twig\Template instance.');
if (null !== $template) {
try {
$template->$block($context, $blocks);
} catch (Error $e) {
if (!$e->getSourceContext()) {
// this is mostly useful for \Twig\Error\LoaderError exceptions
// see \Twig\Error\LoaderError
if (-1 === $e->getTemplateLine()) {
throw $e;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$e = new RuntimeError(sprintf('An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("%s").', $e->getMessage()), -1, $template->getSourceContext(), $e);
throw $e;
} elseif (false !== $parent = $this->getParent($context)) {
$parent->displayBlock($name, $context, array_merge($this->blocks, $blocks), false);
$this->blocks = [
'content' => [$this, 'block_content'],
protected function doDisplay(array $context, array $blocks = [])
// line 1
echo "<article class=\"post-type-";
echo $this->getAttribute(($context["post"] ?? null), "post_type", []);
echo " ";
echo $this->getAttribute(($context["post"] ?? null), "class", []);
echo "\" id=\"post-";
echo $this->getAttribute(($context["post"] ?? null), "ID", []);
echo "\">
// line 3
$this->displayBlock('content', $context, $blocks);
// line 71
echo "
// line 3
public function block_content($context, array $blocks = [])
// line 4
echo "
// line 6
echo " <section class=\"entry-header\">
// line 9
echo " ";
if ($this->getAttribute($this->getAttribute(($context["gantry"] ?? null), "config", []), "get", [0 => (("content." . ($context["scope"] ?? null)) . ".title.enabled"), 1 => "1"], "method")) {
// line 10
while (ob_get_level() > $level) {
throw $e;
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
while (ob_get_level() > $level) {
throw $e;
return ob_get_clean();
protected function displayWithErrorHandling(array $context, array $blocks = [])
try {
$this->doDisplay($context, $blocks);
} catch (Error $e) {
if (!$e->getSourceContext()) {
// this is mostly useful for \Twig\Error\LoaderError exceptions
// see \Twig\Error\LoaderError
if (-1 === $e->getTemplateLine()) {
throw $e;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$e = new RuntimeError(sprintf('An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("%s").', $e->getMessage()), -1, $this->getSourceContext(), $e);
throw $e;
return $this;
* Returns all blocks.
* This method is for internal use only and should never be called
* directly.
* @return array An array of blocks
public function getBlocks()
return $this->blocks;
public function display(array $context, array $blocks = [])
$this->displayWithErrorHandling($this->env->mergeGlobals($context), array_merge($this->blocks, $blocks));
public function render(array $context)
$level = ob_get_level();
if ($this->env->isDebug()) {
} else {
ob_start(function () { return ''; });
try {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
while (ob_get_level() > $level) {
throw $e;
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
while (ob_get_level() > $level) {
$context["twigTemplate"] = "page.html.twig";
// line 3
$context["scope"] = "page";
// line 1
$this->parent = $this->loadTemplate("partials/page.html.twig", "page.html.twig", 1);
$this->parent->display($context, array_merge($this->blocks, $blocks));
// line 5
public function block_content($context, array $blocks = [])
// line 6
echo "
<div class=\"platform-content\">
<div class=\"content-wrapper\">
<section class=\"entry\">
// line 11
$this->loadTemplate([0 => (("partials/content-" . ($context["scope"] ?? null)) . ".html.twig"), 1 => "partials/content.html.twig"], "page.html.twig", 11)->display($context);
// line 12
echo "
</div> <!-- /content-wrapper -->
public function getTemplateName()
return "page.html.twig";
public function isTraitable()
return false;
public function getDebugInfo()
if ($useBlocks && isset($blocks[$name])) {
$template = $blocks[$name][0];
$block = $blocks[$name][1];
} elseif (isset($this->blocks[$name])) {
$template = $this->blocks[$name][0];
$block = $this->blocks[$name][1];
} else {
$template = null;
$block = null;
// avoid RCEs when sandbox is enabled
if (null !== $template && !$template instanceof self) {
throw new \LogicException('A block must be a method on a \Twig\Template instance.');
if (null !== $template) {
try {
$template->$block($context, $blocks);
} catch (Error $e) {
if (!$e->getSourceContext()) {
// this is mostly useful for \Twig\Error\LoaderError exceptions
// see \Twig\Error\LoaderError
if (-1 === $e->getTemplateLine()) {
throw $e;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$e = new RuntimeError(sprintf('An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("%s").', $e->getMessage()), -1, $template->getSourceContext(), $e);
throw $e;
} elseif (false !== $parent = $this->getParent($context)) {
$parent->displayBlock($name, $context, array_merge($this->blocks, $blocks), false);
protected function doDisplay(array $context, array $blocks = [])
// line 1
$this->getAttribute($this->getAttribute(($context["gantry"] ?? null), "debugger", []), "startTimer", [0 => "render", 1 => "Rendering page"], "method");
// line 2
$this->getAttribute($this->getAttribute(($context["gantry"] ?? null), "theme", []), "setLayout", [], "method");
// line 3
$this->getAttribute($this->getAttribute(($context["gantry"] ?? null), "theme", []), "loadAtoms", [], "method");
// line 4
$context["segments"] = $this->getAttribute($this->getAttribute(($context["gantry"] ?? null), "theme", []), "segments", [], "method");
// line 6
// line 7
echo " ";
if ($this->getAttribute($this->getAttribute(($context["gantry"] ?? null), "theme", []), "hasContent", [], "method")) {
// line 8
echo " ";
$this->displayBlock('content', $context, $blocks);
// line 10
echo " ";
$context["content"] = ('' === $tmp = ob_get_clean()) ? '' : new Markup($tmp, $this->env->getCharset());
// line 13
$context["offcanvas"] = null;
// line 14
$context['_parent'] = $context;
$context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable(($context["segments"] ?? null));
foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context["_key"] => $context["segment"]) {
// line 15
echo " ";
if (($this->getAttribute($context["segment"], "type", []) == "offcanvas")) {
// line 16
$context["offcanvas"] = $context["segment"];
$_parent = $context['_parent'];
unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['_key'], $context['segment'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']);
$context = array_intersect_key($context, $_parent) + $_parent;
while (ob_get_level() > $level) {
throw $e;
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
while (ob_get_level() > $level) {
throw $e;
return ob_get_clean();
protected function displayWithErrorHandling(array $context, array $blocks = [])
try {
$this->doDisplay($context, $blocks);
} catch (Error $e) {
if (!$e->getSourceContext()) {
// this is mostly useful for \Twig\Error\LoaderError exceptions
// see \Twig\Error\LoaderError
if (-1 === $e->getTemplateLine()) {
throw $e;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$e = new RuntimeError(sprintf('An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("%s").', $e->getMessage()), -1, $this->getSourceContext(), $e);
throw $e;
return $this;
* Returns all blocks.
* This method is for internal use only and should never be called
* directly.
* @return array An array of blocks
public function getBlocks()
return $this->blocks;
public function display(array $context, array $blocks = [])
$this->displayWithErrorHandling($this->env->mergeGlobals($context), array_merge($this->blocks, $blocks));
public function render(array $context)
$level = ob_get_level();
if ($this->env->isDebug()) {
} else {
ob_start(function () { return ''; });
try {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
while (ob_get_level() > $level) {
throw $e;
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
while (ob_get_level() > $level) {
public function __construct(Environment $env)
$this->blocks = [
'page_head' => [$this, 'block_page_head'],
'page_footer' => [$this, 'block_page_footer'],
protected function doGetParent(array $context)
// line 1
return "@nucleus/page.html.twig";
protected function doDisplay(array $context, array $blocks = [])
$this->parent = $this->loadTemplate("@nucleus/page.html.twig", "partials/page.html.twig", 1);
$this->parent->display($context, array_merge($this->blocks, $blocks));
// line 3
public function block_page_head($context, array $blocks = [])
// line 4
if (($context["page_head"] ?? null)) {
// line 5
echo " ";
echo ($context["page_head"] ?? null);
echo "
} else {
// line 7
echo " ";
$this->displayParentBlock("page_head", $context, $blocks);
echo "
while (ob_get_level() > $level) {
throw $e;
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
while (ob_get_level() > $level) {
throw $e;
return ob_get_clean();
protected function displayWithErrorHandling(array $context, array $blocks = [])
try {
$this->doDisplay($context, $blocks);
} catch (Error $e) {
if (!$e->getSourceContext()) {
// this is mostly useful for \Twig\Error\LoaderError exceptions
// see \Twig\Error\LoaderError
if (-1 === $e->getTemplateLine()) {
throw $e;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$e = new RuntimeError(sprintf('An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("%s").', $e->getMessage()), -1, $this->getSourceContext(), $e);
throw $e;
return $this;
* Returns all blocks.
* This method is for internal use only and should never be called
* directly.
* @return array An array of blocks
public function getBlocks()
return $this->blocks;
public function display(array $context, array $blocks = [])
$this->displayWithErrorHandling($this->env->mergeGlobals($context), array_merge($this->blocks, $blocks));
public function render(array $context)
$level = ob_get_level();
if ($this->env->isDebug()) {
} else {
ob_start(function () { return ''; });
try {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
while (ob_get_level() > $level) {
throw $e;
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
while (ob_get_level() > $level) {
$this->blocks = [
'content' => [$this, 'block_content'],
protected function doGetParent(array $context)
// line 1
return "partials/page.html.twig";
protected function doDisplay(array $context, array $blocks = [])
// line 2
$context["twigTemplate"] = "page.html.twig";
// line 3
$context["scope"] = "page";
// line 1
$this->parent = $this->loadTemplate("partials/page.html.twig", "page.html.twig", 1);
$this->parent->display($context, array_merge($this->blocks, $blocks));
// line 5
public function block_content($context, array $blocks = [])
// line 6
echo "
<div class=\"platform-content\">
<div class=\"content-wrapper\">
<section class=\"entry\">
// line 11
$this->loadTemplate([0 => (("partials/content-" . ($context["scope"] ?? null)) . ".html.twig"), 1 => "partials/content.html.twig"], "page.html.twig", 11)->display($context);
// line 12
echo "
</div> <!-- /content-wrapper -->
while (ob_get_level() > $level) {
throw $e;
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
while (ob_get_level() > $level) {
throw $e;
return ob_get_clean();
protected function displayWithErrorHandling(array $context, array $blocks = [])
try {
$this->doDisplay($context, $blocks);
} catch (Error $e) {
if (!$e->getSourceContext()) {
// this is mostly useful for \Twig\Error\LoaderError exceptions
// see \Twig\Error\LoaderError
if (-1 === $e->getTemplateLine()) {
throw $e;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$e = new RuntimeError(sprintf('An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("%s").', $e->getMessage()), -1, $this->getSourceContext(), $e);
throw $e;
return $this;
* Returns all blocks.
* This method is for internal use only and should never be called
* directly.
* @return array An array of blocks
public function getBlocks()
return $this->blocks;
public function display(array $context, array $blocks = [])
$this->displayWithErrorHandling($this->env->mergeGlobals($context), array_merge($this->blocks, $blocks));
public function render(array $context)
$level = ob_get_level();
if ($this->env->isDebug()) {
} else {
ob_start(function () { return ''; });
try {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
while (ob_get_level() > $level) {
throw $e;
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
while (ob_get_level() > $level) {
public function getBlocks()
return $this->blocks;
public function display(array $context, array $blocks = [])
$this->displayWithErrorHandling($this->env->mergeGlobals($context), array_merge($this->blocks, $blocks));
public function render(array $context)
$level = ob_get_level();
if ($this->env->isDebug()) {
} else {
ob_start(function () { return ''; });
try {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
while (ob_get_level() > $level) {
throw $e;
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
while (ob_get_level() > $level) {
throw $e;
return ob_get_clean();
protected function displayWithErrorHandling(array $context, array $blocks = [])
try {
* @internal
public function __construct(Environment $env, Template $template)
$this->env = $env;
$this->template = $template;
* Renders the template.
* @param array $context An array of parameters to pass to the template
* @return string The rendered template
public function render($context = [])
// using func_get_args() allows to not expose the blocks argument
// as it should only be used by internal code
return $this->template->render($context, \func_num_args() > 1 ? func_get_arg(1) : []);
* Displays the template.
* @param array $context An array of parameters to pass to the template
public function display($context = [])
// using func_get_args() allows to not expose the blocks argument
// as it should only be used by internal code
$this->template->display($context, \func_num_args() > 1 ? func_get_arg(1) : []);
* Checks if a block is defined.
* @param string $name The block name
* @param array $context An array of parameters to pass to the template
$key = null;
$output = false;
if ( false !== $expires ) {
$key = md5($file.json_encode($data));
$output = $this->get_cache($key, self::CACHEGROUP, $cache_mode);
if ( false === $output || null === $output ) {
$twig = $this->get_twig();
if ( strlen($file) ) {
$loader = $this->get_loader();
$result = $loader->getCacheKey($file);
do_action('timber_loader_render_file', $result);
$data = apply_filters('timber_loader_render_data', $data);
$data = apply_filters('timber/loader/render_data', $data, $file);
$template = $twig->load($file);
$output = $template->render($data);
if ( false !== $output && false !== $expires && null !== $key ) {
$this->set_cache($key, $output, self::CACHEGROUP, $expires, $cache_mode);
$output = apply_filters('timber_output', $output);
return apply_filters('timber/output', $output, $data, $file);
protected function delete_cache() {
* Get first existing template.
* @param array|string $templates Name(s) of the Twig template(s) to choose from.
* @return string|bool Name of chosen template, otherwise false.
if ( $via_render ) {
$file = apply_filters('timber_render_file', $file);
} else {
$file = apply_filters('timber_compile_file', $file);
$output = false;
if ($file !== false) {
if ( is_null($data) ) {
$data = array();
if ( $via_render ) {
$data = apply_filters('timber_render_data', $data);
} else {
$data = apply_filters('timber_compile_data', $data);
$output = $loader->render($file, $data, $expires, $cache_mode);
} else {
if ( is_array($filenames) ) {
$filenames = implode(", ", $filenames);
Helper::error_log( 'Error loading your template files: '.$filenames.'. Make sure one of these files exists.' );
return $output;
* Compile a string.
* @api
* @example
* ```php
* $data = array(
* 'username' => 'Jane Doe',
* );
$twig = $dummy_loader->get_twig();
$template = $twig->createTemplate($string);
return $template->render($data);
* Fetch function.
* @api
* @param array|string $filenames Name of the Twig file to render. If this is an array of files, Timber will
* render the first file that exists.
* @param array $data Optional. An array of data to use in Twig template.
* @param bool|int $expires Optional. In seconds. Use false to disable cache altogether. When passed an
* array, the first value is used for non-logged in visitors, the second for users.
* Default false.
* @param string $cache_mode Optional. Any of the cache mode constants defined in TimberLoader.
* @return bool|string The returned output.
public static function fetch( $filenames, $data = array(), $expires = false, $cache_mode = Loader::CACHE_USE_DEFAULT ) {
$output = self::compile($filenames, $data, $expires, $cache_mode, true);
$output = apply_filters('timber_compile_result', $output);
return $output;
* Render function.
* Passes data to a Twig file and echoes the output.
* @api
* @example
* ```php
* $context = Timber::context();
* Timber::render( 'index.twig', $context );
* ```
* @param array|string $filenames Name of the Twig file to render. If this is an array of files, Timber will
* render the first file that exists.
* @param array $data Optional. An array of data to use in Twig template.
* @param bool|int $expires Optional. In seconds. Use false to disable cache altogether. When passed an
* Passes data to a Twig file and echoes the output.
* @api
* @example
* ```php
* $context = Timber::context();
* Timber::render( 'index.twig', $context );
* ```
* @param array|string $filenames Name of the Twig file to render. If this is an array of files, Timber will
* render the first file that exists.
* @param array $data Optional. An array of data to use in Twig template.
* @param bool|int $expires Optional. In seconds. Use false to disable cache altogether. When passed an
* array, the first value is used for non-logged in visitors, the second for users.
* Default false.
* @param string $cache_mode Optional. Any of the cache mode constants defined in TimberLoader.
* @return bool|string The echoed output.
public static function render( $filenames, $data = array(), $expires = false, $cache_mode = Loader::CACHE_USE_DEFAULT ) {
$output = self::fetch($filenames, $data, $expires, $cache_mode);
echo $output;
return $output;
* Render a string with Twig variables.
* @api
* @example
* ```php
* $data = array(
* 'username' => 'Jane Doe',
* );
* Timber::render_string( 'Hi {{ username }}, I’m a string with a custom Twig variable', $data );
* ```
* @param string $string A string with Twig variables.
* @param array $data An array of data to use in Twig template.
* @return bool|string
* To generate specific templates for your pages you can use:
* /mytheme/views/page-mypage.html.twig
* (which will still route through this PHP file)
* OR
* /mytheme/page-mypage.php
* (in which case you'll want to duplicate this file and save to the above path)
$gantry = Gantry\Framework\Gantry::instance();
$theme = $gantry['theme'];
// We need to render contents of <head> before plugin content gets added.
$context = Timber::get_context();
$context['page_head'] = $theme->render('partials/page_head.html.twig', $context);
$post = Timber::query_post();
$context['post'] = $post;
Timber::render(['page-' . $post->post_name . '.html.twig', 'page.html.twig'], $context);
if ( ! $template ) {
$template = get_index_template();
* Filters the path of the current template before including it.
* @since 3.0.0
* @param string $template The path of the template to include.
$template = apply_filters( 'template_include', $template );
if ( $template ) {
include $template;
} elseif ( current_user_can( 'switch_themes' ) ) {
$theme = wp_get_theme();
if ( $theme->errors() ) {
wp_die( $theme->errors() );
* Loads the WordPress environment and template.
* @package WordPress
if ( ! isset( $wp_did_header ) ) {
$wp_did_header = true;
// Load the WordPress library.
require_once __DIR__ . '/wp-load.php';
// Set up the WordPress query.
// Load the theme template.
require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/template-loader.php';
* Front to the WordPress application. This file doesn't do anything, but loads
* wp-blog-header.php which does and tells WordPress to load the theme.
* @package WordPress
* Tells WordPress to load the WordPress theme and output it.
* @var bool
define( 'WP_USE_THEMES', true );
/** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */
require __DIR__ . '/wp-blog-header.php';